
A Beginner’s Guide for At-Home Gaming Set-Ups: Put Your Ultimate Foot Forward

Online gaming is one of the most fascinating industries in the world. With the rise and advancements in gaming technology, gamers and punters worldwide have been able to participate in some of the most thrilling games out there. Even for those less interested in the actual gaming, there is even a niche within online gaming for you – being a spectator. With the rise of ESports events, where gamers come together and spectators can watch them navigating the online world, it’s clear to see that online gaming attracts different people for different reasons.

One of the biggest reasons why online gaming is as popular as it is today is because it doesn’t take too much to get involved with, a reliable Internet connection and a relatively good laptop are all you need. Plus, with the advanced tech and explore promos found on sites like, it’s hard to find a reason not to play.

If you are a newbie gamer or even just a spectator for now but have an interest in gaming, then this article is perfect for you, as it sheds light on how to approach a novice set-up.

Bring Ergonomics Into the Game

The first thing you are going to want to do when approaching the space you’ve allocated for your gaming set-up is ergonomics, which basically just means how you plan on engaging with your space in a way that is best suited for your body. For example, getting a comfortable chair that allows you to adjust the height and has in-built back and neck support is a great first option. These chairs also do not come with too hefty a price tag but if you’re spending a few hours a day on a chair, you need it to be comfortable.

The same goes for the desk that you choose. Try to get one that allows itself to be adjusted in terms of height. If this is too pricey, you can also just have a normal desk and then have the adjustable chair to suit. You should try to consider finding an area in your home where you can play while standing, just to give your hips and legs a bit of a release.

Furthermore, find a space that allows for some natural light and fresh air, you may not find it important just yet but you’ll see, that the more you play, the more breaks you need to stay productive in the game.

Look For Helpful Gadgets

Another area that you need to spend some time is in ‘gadget-land’. Now, seeing as you are still a novice, you’re going to want to avoid anything too expensive. After all, you first want to see if the idea of gaming truly interests you before you invest heavily. Therefore, you should try to make do with the laptop or computer you currently have. Try to delete as many cookies, caches and downloaded bits, as the more storage space a laptop has, the easier it is to play a game. Online games require a lot of processing power.


If you have a small budget, think about acquiring a gaming mouse and keyboard. These differ from typical ones, as they have extra buttons and functions that allow you to have a shortcut to certain gaming commands, which allows you to play faster. These two items are usually the starting blocks for new gamers and they come in different quality ranges too. As a novice, you do not need to purchase the professional level things, even if they last longer and are better quality, you’re still testing the gaming waters, so rather invest in more affordable items and then once you have been playing online for more than a year, you can upgrade.

Game Research is a Great Idea

Last but certainly not least, is research. As a beginner, you will want to set yourself up with a space and equipment but something just as important is research. You must spend time filtering through games that truly interest you. There is no space in doing all this work to be set up properly, just to play games that bore you. Go through different options until you find a few games that really make you feel excited.

The best way to conduct research is to play. Try to log into as many different games as you can, preferably ones that are free to use and then just stick around and see what awaits you. You can additionally go the route of seeing what other players think about games by reading reviews, just make sure they’re as objective as possible, otherwise, you might be signing up for a game that one of the developers is praising, which is subjective and therefore makes little sense.


There you have it, these are the most important steps to follow when it comes to setting yourself up for online gaming success. The one thing you need to remember beyond all of this is to take breaks! It cannot be stressed enough. Find moments to go out and breathe some fresh air, stretch your body so that it is not crouched over in one position for many hours at a time and set a time budget, to ensure you do not over-play on any given day. That is everything you need to know.